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Who Should Have This Bar Trick Book?
The Server of Drink
Why not add to your mixology arsenal? Why not invest in future fun while making more money? As a Bartender, knowing tricks, gags, bets, challenges, and riddles is essential! You are in a position to impress, please, and provide excellent service to your patrons. Part of tending to the bar includes being entertaining. With information from 101 Ways to Amuse/Abuse a Bar-Fly, you will amuse and/or abuse people you like (or maybe don’t like)… while likely increasing your tips! The choice is yours, Bartender…
Life of the Party
Do you thrive in the spotlight? Are you always telling stories and amusing friends? Do you need icebreakers to meet ladies? Do you want to win bets or free drinks? If you do, 101 Ways to Amuse/Abuse a Bar-Fly is for you! Bar tricks can fit perfectly into stories… Bar gags will liven up a party… Bar bets will win you money or free drinks… Bar challenges can change the boring night out at dinner into a not so boring night out to dinner… Bar riddles will stump the best of ’em… Make your nights unforgettable and pick up a copy today!
The Trickster
Playing pranks is your thing. You knew your way around trick gum, joy buzzers, and whoopee cushions at an early age. Now you’re a little older and much more sophisticated. Your pranks need to grow up too. 101 Ways to Amuse/Abuse a Bar-Fly is packed so you can keep your trickster library full. Don’t hesitate, pick up or download a copy today!
What You Will Learn
Baffle the eyes and the senses by using sleight of hand or physics to amaze a Bar-Fly. My book is packed with a variety of tricks that use coins, dollar bills, glassware, beer bottles, straws, and other ordinary items found around a bar. Literally anywhere you go, you will be ready to impress.
Are you ready to prank and fool your Bar-Fly? Be sure to keep it above the waistline, and stop short of complete humiliation. Don’t think that gags are mean-spirited, they are a great way to bond or add a new member to the tribe. There is a great collection waiting for you!
Step on up, place your bets! Bet your friends. Bet a stranger. Bet a lady. Bet a man. Our compilation of bets will challenge a Bar-Fly to the limit while making sure you’re a winner. Whether it’s for cash, free drink, or phone number. It’s all in the book so get your copy today!
Cover to cover you’ll find a collection of challenges that are sure to stump your Bar-Fly. Force them to think outside of the box to complete tasks, then watch their minds blow up when the solution was right there the whole time.
Confuse and amuse any Bar-Fly with a variety of brain teasers. Baffle the brightest at the bar, board room, or bar mitzvah. The compilation of riddles in this book will stump even the smartest. Who doesn’t love a good one to make the wheels turn?